• Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment,  Travel

    To the Beach We Go!

    Summer is just around the corner! Actually it’s already here in Florida and I’m ready to go to the beach! I use to go to the beach almost every week since I’ve been born, it was second nature for us to get up and drive out to the beach for a couple hours to soak up the sun, and then head back home. During our summer break, we would book a week at our timeshare that was on Daytona Beach. But since I’ve been in a wheelchair, we haven’t step foot in our beautiful Florida beaches for years now. Yes, I drive out there to watch the sunsets or to…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment

    Home Alone

    Last week, I experienced a big first for myself and for my family. It was the first time in over 3 years that my parents left me all alone, since I have become wheelchair bound. You might think, what twenty somewhere year old has to have someone around her 24/7 but you also might not know what certain people have to go through each and every day. I bet it was extremely scary for my parents to leave with without the watchful eye of someone looking out for me. I know that there were so many things that could have happened. I could of fallen out of my wheelchair and…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Fight

    From a Single Step to Fifty Feet

    Fifty feet might not seem like a lot to most people, but not being able to take a single step for the past 6 months and then being able to walk fifty feet is unimaginable. My mom was upstairs working in her sewing room and I wanted to surprise her by going up to see her. My original mission was to just go up using the stair lift and sit at the top of the stairs, but once I got to the top step there was a walker leaned up against the wall. I called my dad and told him that we were going to walk, so get ready. I…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement

    Everyone Has A Fear

    Everyone has a fear. For some it may be as big as the fear of death and for others it could be as tiny as the fear of spiders. No matter how big or small the fear is, it still plays a huge role on a person. My fear in life is an MRI machine. I have had over 40 Magnetic Resonance Imaging performed on me and it has seriously taken a toll on my overall state of mind. Since it all started at the age of 7, I was completely fine being in an MRI machine for hours. I remember having headphones on and listening to any type of…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment,  Travel

    The Heartbreaking Notre Dame

    Yesterday I woke up to the horrific sight of the Notre Dame burning in flames.   I will never forget the first time I saw Notre Dame, my family and I took a trip to Paris for my 18th birthday. Most people would think that the Eiffel Tower, which is a beauty I must add, is the most interesting building in Paris, but for me it was the Notre Dame.         I believe I fell in love with this historic building because of the beautiful architecture, the history behind it, and maybe a little of it had to do with the Disney movie, The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Either…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment


    Happiness is key. What makes us happy in life, money, people, adventures? Right off the back it is not millions of dollars, money will never buy you health or pure happiness but rather gratitude comes from the smaller events in life. These past few weeks I’ve been full of excitement and happiness, I think feelings came primarily from surprises and people. Nothing drastic has happened but certain individuals have shown up and for me that is an important factor, when people appear when you least expect it. I cannot pin point exactly why I am feeling this way, what it is, or where it is coming from but maybe it’s…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment

    National Siblings Day

    Today is National Siblings Day and I must say that I have the best sibling in the whole world! My brother, Ramin, has played an enormous role in my life. I can defiantly say that we have a special bond, so much that I think I almost always check with him when I’m deciding on anything. His opinion has a huge role on my decisions. Some siblings grow up fighting with one another, but rarely did any altercations happen between my brother and I. Even when we got into little arguments, I would always go back and say something so we would go back on to good terms immediately. My…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment

    Lake Day

    Last weekend, we had a beautiful day down by the lake. Some of my favorite memories growing up were having lake days with family and friends. I use to love running into the water, hopping on the Jet Ski and taking off. When I was driving, I would feel like all of the problems in the world were melting away. Now, going down to the lake is still pleasant, but I miss being able to get on that Jet Ski. My brother recently bought a boat and I have not been able to figure out a way to get in it yet. I’ve looked at many videos on how people…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment

    Baby Shower

    I recently hosted a baby shower for one of my best friends and let me tell you, it was a blast. My mom and I have never had the chance to plan a baby shower before and we kind of got carried away with all of the cute ideas that you could come up with. Our theme was The Jungle and I think we did an adorable job. I had to resist myself from buying every little cute thing out there. For the most part, I was able to help organize the shower, but when it came to decorating and hanging things up, it became a little more challenging. Being…

  • Encouragement,  Travel


    I haven’t been doing well these past few weeks but last night I felt much better. The power of the ocean really plays a big part on the overall me. Somehow, whenever I drive out to the beach, I instantly feel at peace. I don’t know if it’s just looking at the waves, smelling the sea salt, watching the beautiful moon rise in the horizon, or just hanging out with a really good friend, but it was extremely therapeutic. My advice to you is if you are having a tough week or need some alone time, find your happy place that makes you feel that overall peacefulness, such as the…