• Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment,  Family,  Travel

    The Meaningfulness of a Deep Conversation

    I love having deep conversations with others. Talking about your deepest inner parts of you, where you actually learn really valuable things about one another. Information such as how this person became who they are today, the things that make them tick, their interests and their feelings. You learn about their passions and you get to see a glimpse of their hopes, dreams, and desires. The story starts to unfold and you begin to understand the reason this person has become this person and the actions that have gotten them to this point. It helps you learn what drives them, what motivates them in life, and even who may inspire…

  • Cancer,  Enjoyment,  Family,  Fun

    Lights Out!

    So last night around 8:00pm, the power went out. My parents had just left the house to go to a function, so it was my little stinker, Dakota, and I home alone. At first I thought it was only a flicker from the lightning but then after a minute or so, I realized it wasn’t going to come back anytime soon. Dakota and I just looked at each other like, crap this sucks. So we decided to go on the hunt for candles and all I can find is nice smelly candles, not bright hurricane proof candles. So I guess you can say, the house was smelling very flavorful. We…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment,  Family,  Fight,  Travel

    Never Assume That I Cannot

    On my last post, my mom made a comment saying that people “consider you as someone to stay away from because you are not able to go to clubs or hangout like healthy adult,” and to some people it may sound harsh but it is the closest thing to the truth. Most people don’t include me in things because they think I cannot do the same things they can or I don’t know maybe they feel ashamed to be around me because of the wheelchair? The thing is, even though I’m in this chair, I am still the same person as I once was. Yes, I may not be able…

  • Cancer,  Disney,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment,  Travel

    Disney’s Flower & Garden Festival

    To end the week on a good note, lets talk about happy things. I know I have been missing in action for a good few days, but I had many personal issues that have come up and it has been a tough few weeks. Even though times are tough, there is always something good you can learn from the events, such as being grateful for family time. A couple weeks ago my family, friends, and I went to Disney’s Flower and Garden Festival at Epcot. Even though we only stayed a few hours, because of the extreme heat, it was very enjoyable for me. Being with the people I love,…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment,  Service Dog

    My Fluffy Bundle of Joy

    Yesterday, six years ago, I brought home the most precious little bundle of joy. When I saw that fluffy angel, I couldn’t wait another second to call her mine. I can still remember the exact feeling I had when I got to hold her for the first time. She has been my everything and will always continue to be my everything. We have been through so much. Happy times, sad times, and all the times in between. When life gets tough, I know she is always there to make me feel better and to comfort me. She’s the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment,  Service Dog,  Travel

    Don’t Take Things For Granted

    These past few weeks have been tough to go through. I haven’t been feeling well which made me not have strength to type anything. But even though I wasn’t writing, I did do a lot of thinking. I realized that yes, my health isn’t good but I’m still very grateful for the things I have in my life. I am thankful for my family who has been my rock and my strongest supporters. I am thankful for my friends who have been there every step of the way and have stuck it out with me.  I am thankful for the freedom that I have, which we take for granted most of…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment,  Travel

    Always Move in Your Own Version of Forward

    There are only a few things that truly mean a lot to me, my family, my puppy, my friends, traveling, and the ability to still drive. Yes, to some that may seem ridiculous but I have given up so much in my life already, so so so much, that I don’t think I should have to give up anything else that makes me happy. Driving is the last thing that makes me feel completely normal. No one on the outside knows that anything is wrong with me or that I’m in a wheelchair. I am just like everyone else. I feel like myself, I feel free, I can breathe, I’m…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment,  Travel

    To the Beach We Go!

    Summer is just around the corner! Actually it’s already here in Florida and I’m ready to go to the beach! I use to go to the beach almost every week since I’ve been born, it was second nature for us to get up and drive out to the beach for a couple hours to soak up the sun, and then head back home. During our summer break, we would book a week at our timeshare that was on Daytona Beach. But since I’ve been in a wheelchair, we haven’t step foot in our beautiful Florida beaches for years now. Yes, I drive out there to watch the sunsets or to…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment

    Home Alone

    Last week, I experienced a big first for myself and for my family. It was the first time in over 3 years that my parents left me all alone, since I have become wheelchair bound. You might think, what twenty somewhere year old has to have someone around her 24/7 but you also might not know what certain people have to go through each and every day. I bet it was extremely scary for my parents to leave with without the watchful eye of someone looking out for me. I know that there were so many things that could have happened. I could of fallen out of my wheelchair and…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment,  Travel

    The Heartbreaking Notre Dame

    Yesterday I woke up to the horrific sight of the Notre Dame burning in flames.   I will never forget the first time I saw Notre Dame, my family and I took a trip to Paris for my 18th birthday. Most people would think that the Eiffel Tower, which is a beauty I must add, is the most interesting building in Paris, but for me it was the Notre Dame.         I believe I fell in love with this historic building because of the beautiful architecture, the history behind it, and maybe a little of it had to do with the Disney movie, The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Either…