• Dreams,  Encouragement,  Family,  Goals

    Happy New Year!

    January 1st, 2020! Today is the start of a New Year, New Goals, New Missions, and New Dreams. I’m not saying to forget your past, but don’t let it stop you anymore. Let it be the fuel you need to accomplish all that you set your mind out to succeed. Focus on the things that are important to you and focus on the people who take time to appreciate you. It’s time for you to stop wasting your energy on useless people and pointless situations. Start thinking of yourself and your loved ones, while putting everything else behind you. Make 2020 Your year and make it your Best one yet!…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment,  Family,  Travel

    The Meaningfulness of a Deep Conversation

    I love having deep conversations with others. Talking about your deepest inner parts of you, where you actually learn really valuable things about one another. Information such as how this person became who they are today, the things that make them tick, their interests and their feelings. You learn about their passions and you get to see a glimpse of their hopes, dreams, and desires. The story starts to unfold and you begin to understand the reason this person has become this person and the actions that have gotten them to this point. It helps you learn what drives them, what motivates them in life, and even who may inspire…

  • Cancer,  Enjoyment,  Family,  Fun

    Lights Out!

    So last night around 8:00pm, the power went out. My parents had just left the house to go to a function, so it was my little stinker, Dakota, and I home alone. At first I thought it was only a flicker from the lightning but then after a minute or so, I realized it wasn’t going to come back anytime soon. Dakota and I just looked at each other like, crap this sucks. So we decided to go on the hunt for candles and all I can find is nice smelly candles, not bright hurricane proof candles. So I guess you can say, the house was smelling very flavorful. We…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment,  Family,  Fight,  Travel

    Never Assume That I Cannot

    On my last post, my mom made a comment saying that people “consider you as someone to stay away from because you are not able to go to clubs or hangout like healthy adult,” and to some people it may sound harsh but it is the closest thing to the truth. Most people don’t include me in things because they think I cannot do the same things they can or I don’t know maybe they feel ashamed to be around me because of the wheelchair? The thing is, even though I’m in this chair, I am still the same person as I once was. Yes, I may not be able…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Family,  Fight

    Another Surgery Down In The Books

    Hi Everyone, I know I’ve been missing in action for the past couple of weeks but I had, once again, another surgery. It wasn’t as major as all of the others I have had but still, a surgery is a surgery. For the past couple of years my elbow has been hurting and I could never figure out why. I thought it was the overuse of pushing myself around in my wheelchair and having to transfer and such. When I had mentioned it to my oncologist a couple years back, she referred me to an orthopedic doctor. The results that came from this ortho doctor was horrendous… she said in…

  • Cancer,  Disney,  Encouragement,  Family,  Travel

    The Best Father In The World

    Yesterday was Father’s Day and let me tell you, I love my dad sooooo much! I might be a little biased, but I think he’s at the top of the best dads list. My dad has been the one who has taken care of us every single day for as long as I can remember. When I first got sick, he worked even harder to let my mom quit her job so she can stay with me in the hospital and take care of me. He’s always been around my brother and I and he has never missed a second. He has always dropped and picked us up from school,…