• Cancer,  Encouragement,  Fight

    One Step Is Still A Step In The Right Direction

    I feel like time has been standing still for the past couple of weeks now, but today I realized that I overcame another obstacle. Today was my last appointment for my elbow. Yes, it might seem to be a minor event but it is still something that took a toll on my family and I. Even though the surgeon made my overall experience a pleasure, I hope that this is one of the doctors that I will never have to visit again in my lifetime. I’ve realized that small victories are the events to celebrate. They get you to the huge prize that is waiting on the other side. When…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Enjoyment,  Family,  Fight,  Travel

    Never Assume That I Cannot

    On my last post, my mom made a comment saying that people “consider you as someone to stay away from because you are not able to go to clubs or hangout like healthy adult,” and to some people it may sound harsh but it is the closest thing to the truth. Most people don’t include me in things because they think I cannot do the same things they can or I don’t know maybe they feel ashamed to be around me because of the wheelchair? The thing is, even though I’m in this chair, I am still the same person as I once was. Yes, I may not be able…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Family,  Fight

    Another Surgery Down In The Books

    Hi Everyone, I know I’ve been missing in action for the past couple of weeks but I had, once again, another surgery. It wasn’t as major as all of the others I have had but still, a surgery is a surgery. For the past couple of years my elbow has been hurting and I could never figure out why. I thought it was the overuse of pushing myself around in my wheelchair and having to transfer and such. When I had mentioned it to my oncologist a couple years back, she referred me to an orthopedic doctor. The results that came from this ortho doctor was horrendous… she said in…

  • Cancer,  Encouragement,  Fight

    From a Single Step to Fifty Feet

    Fifty feet might not seem like a lot to most people, but not being able to take a single step for the past 6 months and then being able to walk fifty feet is unimaginable. My mom was upstairs working in her sewing room and I wanted to surprise her by going up to see her. My original mission was to just go up using the stair lift and sit at the top of the stairs, but once I got to the top step there was a walker leaned up against the wall. I called my dad and told him that we were going to walk, so get ready. I…