Dakota The Service Dog

Dakota, my beautiful Siberian Husky, has been a dream come true. I’ve always wanted a black and white husky, but never in a million years did I think I would have her and be able to have her by my side every second. At 8 weeks old, I started Dakota in obedience classes. She passed elementary, middle, and high school with flying colors.


Once Dakota graduated, the next step was to train her to become a service dog. I knew that I wanted to be the one who actually trained her, so we were recommended to use this trainer who would teach me how to properly train Dakota. We learned so many new tricks and commands, which showed that Dakota was learning rapidly.

Dakota is trained to support my weight when I am trying to stand or transfer to a different location. She is there to physically support me. We also taught her how to open doors and always walk properly next to my wheelchair. As soon as she puts on her service vest, she immediately goes into work mode.


Our home is Dakota’s nonworking place. She’s allowed to act however she wants inside our home. Even though she is technically not working, somehow she has it programmed that she still needs to take care of me. Whenever I am sad or whenever I am in pain, she always comes and lies by my side. I recall once when I laid down in bed and I passed out, Dakota came, licked my face until I woke up, and she also went to call my parents. Even though she was not trained to alert someone when I stop breathing, somehow she managed to know that she always needs to take care of her mommy.

Dakota is registered as a mobility service dog and can legally go anywhere with me. Yes, I do spoil her when she is not working, of course, because she is a dream come true But she also knows as soon as that vest goes on, she is back to work.

P.S. Happy Birthday pretty girl! I can’t believe you are turning 6 this week! Time really does fly when you are having fun!!!
