From a Single Step to Fifty Feet
Fifty feet might not seem like a lot to most people, but not being able to take a single step for the past 6 months and then being able to walk fifty feet is unimaginable.
My mom was upstairs working in her sewing room and I wanted to surprise her by going up to see her. My original mission was to just go up using the stair lift and sit at the top of the stairs, but once I got to the top step there was a walker leaned up against the wall. I called my dad and told him that we were going to walk, so get ready. I grabbed the walker and I stood up and took my first step. I kept going until I was able to reach the chair in the bedroom. My parents were almost in tears and I surprised my own self. I didn’t think I would be able to walk again, even with the support of a walker. I’m still not quite sure if I was using all of the strength in my arms to hold myself up and walk, or if somehow my legs have gotten stronger, or maybe it was just my stubbornness of pushing myself to the limit which made me walk that far, but whatever it is, I DID IT!
I was dismissed from my last session of physical therapy because “I was not improving,” so they had to let me go. If only they could see what I have done now, they probably
would have let me continue. But this is not the first time the professionals have told me that I would not walk again. I have heard it time after time, but they also do not know how strong minded I am and when I really want to do something, I will work exceptionally hard to achieve that task.
The human body is very complex and in my opinion, it performs how it wants to perform. You just have to add that bit of fuel and control to steer it in the right direction.
Some days you can be strong and healthy and other days you can feel down and out. Its not necessarily your fault when you’re not feeling well, its just your body telling you it needs to recover for a short while.
I also believe that your mind is stronger than your body, so I always push myself even when I feel like I can’t go on anymore. My minds willingness to keep on keeping on never stops and I know that is how I have come so far. I never settle, I always want to do better and become better, so I keep on striving to improve myself.
If you want something bad enough, keep telling yourself that and eventually your body will listen, maybe not in the way you expect it too but trust me it will listen. Don’t ever give up, always fight for what you truly want in life.
With your strength I can never be ready to give up on anything, you have made our lives worth living to the fullest, I will never stop believing in God’s miracles 😘
Shauna Ragbir
I love you mom. I wouldn’t be able to do it without you and dad!