Lights Out!

So last night around 8:00pm, the power went out. My parents had just left the house to go to a function, so it was my little stinker, Dakota, and I home alone. At first I thought it was only a flicker from the lightning but then after a minute or so, I realized it wasn’t going to come back anytime soon. Dakota and I just looked at each other like, crap this sucks. So we decided to go on the hunt for candles and all I can find is nice smelly candles, not bright hurricane proof candles. So I guess you can say, the house was smelling very flavorful. We then decided to go and find a snack, because why not snack on something when you have no power, especially if everything in the refrigerator is going to spoil. Then we both hopped on the couch and laid next to one another. After a few minutes, an overall calmness came over me (I think it happened to Dakota as well, but who knows, she was already knocked out) and everything was peaceful. Pitch black, a few candles, and calmness. There were zero distractions, only Dakota, myself, and our thoughts. I loved it. Not for one moment did I feel scared or bothered, somehow I just felt relaxed and at ease.

I realized that we should all take more time out of our lives to put aside the crazy things we go through on a daily basis. Put our phones away, turn our televisions off, put our laptops to rest, and take a few minutes to yourself, with zero distractions. I promise you it will bring you back to a happy and peaceful state of mind.

(p.s. A good tip is to still use your air conditioning because let me tell you, I appreciate it much more after that long night of the Florida heat creeping up on us. Good thing the ac came back in the morning! Now i’m going to figure out which generator we should invest in…)

Looks like I’m about to tell a good scary story


  • Roxanne Irazoqui

    I am totally agreed, we should all take more time out of our lives to put aside the crazy things we go through on a daily basis and definitely put our phones away, turn our televisions off, put our laptops to rest, and take a few minutes to ourselves, with zero distractions.