One Step Is Still A Step In The Right Direction

I feel like time has been standing still for the past couple of weeks now, but today I realized that I overcame another obstacle.

Today was my last appointment for my elbow. Yes, it might seem to be a minor event but it is still something that took a toll on my family and I. Even though the surgeon made my overall experience a pleasure, I hope that this is one of the doctors that I will never have to visit again in my lifetime.

I’ve realized that small victories are the events to celebrate. They get you to the huge prize that is waiting on the other side. When I figure out what that is, I will definitely let you know.  Maybe it’s the fact that I will now become more independent because I have the ability to use both arms instead of one. Maybe I can take more road trips because I won’t be in so much pain anymore. Or maybe I can now take apart and assemble my wheelchair on my own so I don’t have to depend on others all of the time. Either way, no matter what the new victory is going to be, I am excited that this small chapter has come to a close and that I can now move forward to more exciting adventures ahead.  

The long and short of this whole thing is that every little step in the right direction will lead you to the place you need to be in the end. Just always keep on pushing yourself and never ever give up, no matter how hard it may seem, keep putting one foot in front of the other, or one wheel in front of the other, and keep going.

One Comment

  • Roxanne Irazoqui

    A agreed, very little step in the right direction will lead you to the place you need to be in the end. I am so glad your elbow is healed.