The Best Father In The World

Yesterday was Father’s Day and let me tell you, I love my dad sooooo much! I might be a little biased, but I think he’s at the top of the best dads list.

My dad has been the one who has taken care of us every single day for as long as I can remember. When I first got sick, he worked even harder to let my mom quit her job so she can stay with me in the hospital and take care of me. He’s always been around my brother and I and he has never missed a second. He has always dropped and picked us up from school, take off time to come to any of our school functions, take us on amazing vacations, and just spend as much time with us as possible. Even when things got difficult in my college years, he would take off time from work to take me to classes, go to all of my doctor appointments with me, be present at every surgery I had, and tried to be there whenever I needed him. Even up to now, he continues to put us first and makes sure his family is taken care of.

I have seen many different types of men out there. Some who are absent from their child’s life, some who just show up when they need too, others who are unsure about wanting children, and then you have the men who pray everyday that they can become a father. I believe becoming a parent is a very important role and you should never take it lightly.

My dad is like no other and I appreciate every single thing he does for me. He is the hardest working man I have ever met and has put in a lot of sweat and tears to become everything he is today. He also still thinks he can work like he is a twenty year old. Never once has he complained about having to take care of my brother, mother, or I. I know I don’t make it easy for him either and I am sure that I can be a handful at times. But without him and everything he has sacrificed for us, our life would not be as amazing as he has made it for us.

I couldn’t imagine my life without my dad. I might not tell him enough but I love him with all of my heart. I appreciate everything he does for us and every second I get to spend with him because I know life is short and things can change in an instant.

Thank You Dad – Happy Father’s Day – I Love You!!!